Discover the unique call of the Blue-Footed Boobie from the Galápagos Islands for your Weekly Destination. Click photo to play sound. Contributed by Bridget Ehrman-Solberg, Jesse and Jonah Marks.
Discover the sounds from a school in Nairobi, Kenya for your Weekly Destination. Click photo to play sound. Contributed by Shauna Hennessy, Bridget Ehrman-Solberg, Jesse and Jonah Marks.
Discover the Tenorio Volcano National Park in Costa Rica for your Weekly Destination. Click photo to play sound. Contributed by Jesse and Jonah Marks.
Discover the nighttime sounds of Jamaica for your Weekly Destination. Click photo to play sound. Contributed by Ken Chastain.
Discover a rocky shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota for your Weekly Destination. Click photo to play sound. Contributed by John Lukas.